Use ChirpStack as LoRa Server

Please refer to the official website for more information.

  1. Install docker.

  2. Clone the repo

  3. docker-compose up.

  4. Open a browser, visit the default application server https://localhost:8080.

  5. Login with default username and password, both are admin.

  6. Setup a network-server. The default is chirpstack-network-server:8000.

  7. Create Service-profiles.

  8. Create Device-profiles.

  9. Register a gateway, and fill in a Gateway EUI.

  10. Create an application, select a service profile.

  11. Click the application name, and create a device belongs to the application.

    • Fill in a Device EUI,

    • Choose a device profile,

    • Optional: uncheck the frame-counter validation for convenient test.

  12. After click the CREATE DEVICE button, NwkKey and AppKey need to be filled (For LoRaWAN 1.0.2, only AppKey is needed), then the configuration of ChirpStack server is completed.

  13. Now, we can use lora-motes-emulator to issue join request in OTAA mode. (This part is also shown in README.rst)

    • Prepare the config files.

      • For LoRaWAN 1.0.2, copy the template file config/device102.yml.tpl as config/device.yml, for LoRaWAN 1.1, copy the template file config/device.yml.tpl as config/device.yml.

      • Modify the device.yml file and fill in the information according to the register information at step 8.

      • Copy the config/config.yml.tpl as config/config.yml, fill in the IP and port information of ChirpStack server (Default port number is 1700).

    • Start the pipenv environment by pipenv shell.

    • Send a PULL_DATA to ChirpStack server by python pull.

    • Send a join request message to ChirpStack server by python join.

    • If the join accept message is decoded successfully, we can check the device information by python info.

    • An Uplink message can be sent by python app -m YOUR_MESSAGE, which can also combine with MAC command by option -f MAC_COMMAND_ID.

  14. Key Points:

    • The Uplink data rate index and the Channel index is required to calculate the MIC field (B1 message) in version 1.1.